iOS 4.01 gives me larger but FEWER bars

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Once again, I am left scratching my head by an Apple update. First, we are told that the algorithm used to calculate how many bars to display for signal strength was flawed, and that the number of bars shown did not correspond properly to the signal strength. Then, we were told that in order to make signal strength clearer to the user, Apple would increase the size of the bars that the iPhone would display.

I installed iOS4 just now, and was struck by two things:
  • First, the bars are indeed a little bigger. Now, I won't be left wondering whether one bar (which looked like an underscore) was really zero bars.
  • Second, the number of bars my iPhone 3GS displays in my dining room is now LESS than it was prior to the update. 
So, I guess that for me, the phone was giving me an optimistic response to signal strength before the update, and now it's telling me truthfully how lousy my AT&T coverage is.
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This page contains a single entry by James Lockman published on July 15, 2010 5:19 PM.

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