White MacBook top case replaced without question

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White MacBook laptop

Image via Wikipedia

I took Arthur's white MacBook to the Apple Store today to see about getting the top case replaced. The earlier white MacBooks (I have a black one) are susceptible to failure of the top case near where you rest the heels of your hands. In Maine, where the white MacBook is the Maine Learning Technology Initiative's computer of choice, there are a lot of white MacBooks around.

The top case contains the keyboard and the track pad, and it rests inside and slightly on top of the edge of the bottom case. The screen bezel has two little ridges in it that keep the screen from touching the keyboard when the computer is closed. When these computers go in a bag (like the bags that come with the computers when they are part of the MLTI...), there is additional pressure that gets applied to the top case by these ridges. The result is catastrophic failure of the plastic where the ridge touches the plastic.

I brought the computer in, and they took it without question. Quoting the Problem Description/Diagnosis  portion of the Genius Bar Work Authorization,
Issue: Customer states there are cracks in the top case
Steps to Reproduce: Observed cracks at the bar
Proposed Resolution: Replace top case
Total cost: $0.00

Makes sense to me! I left the computer at the bar around 12:45 pm, expecting to get a call tomorrow. I got the call at 2:00 pm, telling me that the repair was complete. Go Apple!

In addition to the top case, the repaired computer also has a new screen bezel that includes the camera. AJ reports crisper images from the camera. Another benefit for him is that the case had become wracked as it compressed, making it difficult to eject CDs and DVDs from the slot loading drive. Discs now glide in and out with ease.

It is important to note that this computer was repaired without question and without an Apple Care contract. While I haven't been able to find notice of a replacement program at apple.com, this seems to be the real deal, at least in Maine.
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